17th 2024年9月,
他担保46日元.50亿年 medium-term samurai loan facility
推荐几个足彩外围app有限公司(“推荐几个足彩外围app”)今天宣布其全资子公司, 推荐买球平台食品配料(“ofi”), a global leader in 自然ly good food and beverage ingredients, has secured a medium-term samurai loan facility aggregating JPY 46.50亿年 (approximately US$330 million) (the “Facility”).
该贷款由推荐买球平台财政部私人有限公司作为借款人,包括3年期46日元.50亿年. The Facility is initially guaranteed by 推荐几个足彩外围app Limited which will transfer to ofi Group Limited following the planned 首次公开募股 and demerger of ofi. Proceeds from the Facility will be applied towards refinancing of ofi’s existing loans and general corporate purposes.
三菱ufj银行有限公司.瑞穗银行股份有限公司., 三井住友银行公司担任此次融资的授权牵头安排人和簿记行, MUFG银行有限公司. 担任设施代理.
9th 2023年11月
推荐买球平台阿勒 and 今年 Support Akosombo Flood Victims
推荐买球平台阿勒, the country’s leading supply chain manager in agri-commodity, 和它的姐妹公司, 今年, 加纳的一家顶级食品制造商, 在周五, 向阿科松博大坝泄洪的灾民赠送了一批救济物品.
在10月中旬, the Volta River Authority (VRA) began spilling water from the Akosombo reservoir to protect the dam from overtopping.
The influx of large volumes of water has raised levels, 在沃尔特河沿岸的几个低洼地区造成过度洪水, 包括, 但不限于, Mepe, Battor, Sogakope, 相类似的, Adidome, 和艾达.
20th 2023年3月
Building a Business that Conserves 森林s, One Step At a Time
“I have worked in the Congo basin for years, 但当我离布卡只有几步之遥的时候,没有什么能让我做好准备, who belongs to one of the four groups of habituated silverback gorillas living in the vicinity of our forest concessions in the Congo Basin,文森特·伊斯塔斯说, 企业责任主管 & 推荐买球平台农业(推荐买球平台阿勒)子公司刚果林业工业公司(CIB)的可持续发展.
Personal pictures of Paki Paki taken by Vincent Istace in 2021. ©Vincent Istace
“与该地区的其他天然林相比,这里的景观是观赏野生动物的理想场所. 森林更加开阔,更容易看到和发现大猩猩和其他野生动物. This feature has made sites such as Mondika one of the world’s most interesting spots for the study of great apes.
It may surprise some to hear that critical gorilla and chimpanzee habitats around the buffer zones of Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, are also where sustainable timber harvesting is practiced.”